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March 4, 2023
Quality Split Black Gram India

Vijayalakshmi  deer provides more quantity of “Batter” from less quantity of “Urad Dal”.We always believe in providing the best to our customers, the combination of taste and tradition with ease of modernity and easy to cook. Vijayalakshmi  deer is our brand to produce Urad dal, Orid Dal, Blackgram,...

March 4, 2023
Minapa Pappu India Tenali Vijayalakshmi Deer

Vijayalakshmi  deer provides more quantity of “Batter” from less quantity of “Urad Dal”.We always believe in providing the best to our customers, the combination of taste and tradition with ease of modernity and easy to cook. Vijayalakshmi  deer is our brand to produce Urad dal, Orid Dal, Blackgram,...

March 3, 2023
Best Quality Split Black Gram Nellore

Vijayalakshmi  deer provides more quantity of “Batter” from less quantity of “Urad Dal”.We always believe in providing the best to our customers, the combination of taste and tradition with ease of modernity and easy to cook. Vijayalakshmi  deer is our brand to produce Urad dal, Orid Dal, Blackgram,...
